City Running Tours - Boston

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City Running Tours - Boston

Running is part of the fabric of this city. Boston is the home of the world’s oldest annual Marathon, and its population routinely ranks among the nations fittest cities. The Charles River is blessed with the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bicycle Path, a paved loop stretching from the Science Museum upstream nine miles to Watertown on both sides of the river. This route, among many others are meticulously maintained which makes it possible to run outdoors in Boston even through the bitter...  Read More



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99 Chauncy St, Boston, MA USA

About City Running Tours - Boston

Running is part of the fabric of this city. Boston is the home of the world’s oldest annual Marathon, and its population routinely ranks among the nations fittest cities. The Charles River is blessed with the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bicycle Path, a paved loop stretching from the Science Museum upstream nine miles to Watertown on both sides of the river. This route, among many others are meticulously maintained which makes it possible to run outdoors in Boston even through the bitter New England winters. The city is small enough is size that a ten mile run can get you from Brookline to Cambridge and back, but not so small that there’s ever a shortage of great running routes. The combination of the youth and history of Boston make it a world-class city and dream destination for runners.With our personalized runs you choose how far you would like to run, what areas and sights you would like to see and we customize a run based on that information. Your personal running guide will meet you at the location where you are staying to take you on your run. We will run at your pace, provide water and have a camera in case you feel like capturing the moment.At the completion of the run we will return you to where you are staying and you walk away with a souvenir goody bag that includes a t-shirt as well as running and city related products. Our personalized runs take place 7 days a week, all year long excluding Christmas day and Thanksgiving.Group RunsLead by the knowledgeable guides of City Running Tours, this tour will be about 5 miles long and at a casual pace to suit all running levels. There will be stops along the way to take in the scenery and talk about the landscape. This run includes bag and coat check and a bottle of water. You will be responsible for your arrival to and departure from the meeting location. Read moreRunning is part of the fabric of this city. Boston is the home of the world’s oldest annual Marathon, and its population routinely ranks among the nations fittest cities. The Charles River is blessed with the Dr. Paul Dudley White Bicycle Path, a paved loop stretching from the Science Museum upstream nine miles to Watertown on both sides of the river. This route, among many others are meticulously maintained which makes it possible to run outdoors in Boston even through the bitter New England winters. The city is small enough is size that a ten mile run can get you from Brookline to Cambridge and back, but not so small that there’s ever a shortage of great running routes. The combination of the youth and history of Boston make it a world-class city and dream destination for runners.With our personalized runs you choose how far you would like to run, what areas and sights you would like to see and we customize a run based on that information. Your personal running guide will meet you at the location where you are staying to take you on your run. We will run at your pace, provide water and have a camera in case you feel like capturing the moment.At the completion of the run we will return you to where you are staying and you walk away with a souvenir goody bag that includes a t-shirt as well as running and city related products. Our personalized runs take place 7 days a week, all year long excluding Christmas day and Thanksgiving.Group RunsLead by the knowledgeable guides of City Running Tours, this tour will be about 5 miles long and at a casual pace to suit all running levels. There will be stops along the way to take in the scenery and talk about the landscape. This run includes bag and coat check and a bottle of water. You will be responsible for your arrival to and departure from the meeting location. Read more


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